Good News

Designed to help us grow in grace

About Christ

A Case For Chronological Order

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John wrote about the Gospel (the good news about Christ) as God inspired them. Each had a special style and purpose of writing. For example, Matthew who was a Jew and a disciple wrote primarily to unbelieving Jews convincing them that Jesus was the promised Messiah. Mark, on the other hand, wrote primarily to Gentiles convincing them that the Gospel was for them also. Luke, who was an eyewitness to the Gospel events, wrote to give a man named Theophilus, a perfect understanding of those events. So, Luke gives a detailed account of the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Christ. John wrote to unbelievers so they “…might believe that Jesus is the Christ…” (John 20:31).

Because of this style and purpose of each writer, it makes it somewhat difficult to put the miracles and all the biblical events of Christ in precise sequential, or chronological order as mentioned by each writer. For example, John mentions the miracle of turning water into wine because it was important to his purpose of writing. Matthew, Mark and Luke don’t mention it. That miracle was not important to the purpose of the story that God was inspiring them to write. Each story about the Gospel follows this same pattern which makes it difficult, but a very interesting Bible study for us.

The following gives a list of Scriptures pertaining to Jesus’ life and His miracles. Read the Scripture references in the Gospel recorded by Luke and see if you can name the event in the life of Jesus before you open the toggle bar. Do the same with the miracles that Mark mentions as he records the Gospel.

If you have any suggestions, or corrections, please contact us with your information. Thanks. We hope you enjoy this study.

The Life of Jesus

Luke 2:1-7

Birth of Christ in Bethlehem of Judaea

Luke 2:8-20

Shepherd’s visit of Jesus when He was born in Bethlehem of Judaea.

Luke 2:21-24

The naming and dedication of Jesus to God at Jerusalem.

Luke 2:25-40

Baby Jesus is blessed by Simeon and Anna while in Jerusalem.

Luke 2:39-52

Jesus, at 12 years of age, astonished the Jewish doctors of the law when His parents returned home to Nazareth of Galilee and He, unaware, stayed in Jerusalem. Luke 2:39-52

Luke 3:21,22

John the Baptist baptizes Jesus in the River Jordan.

Luke 3:23 and Luke 4:1-13

Jesus (about 30 years of age) is tempted of the Devil.

Luke 4:14-15

Jesus grows in fame all around the regions of Galilee

Luke 4:16-30

Jesus reads Scripture in Nazareth synagogue.

Luke 4:42--6:11

Takes mission tour through Galilee

Luke 6:12-16

Chooses the 12 Apostles in the Regions of Galilee

Luke 6:17-49

Preaches Sermon On the Mount in Regions of Galilee

Luke 7:1--9:27

Continues Galilee Mission Tour around Regions of Galilee

Luke 9:28-36


Luke 9:37-62

Teaches disciples about His death

Luke 10:1-24

Sends 70 other disciples into the Regions of Galilee

Luke 10:25--13:17

Teaches the people who have been following Him about important Christian subjects.

Luke 13:18-30

Explains about the Kingdom of Heaven

Luke 13:31-35

Cries over Jerusalem

Luke 14:1--18:30

Teaches in parables while traveling through the regions of Galilee on His way to Jerusalem

Luke 18:31-34

Predicts his death

Luke 18:35-43; 19:1-27

Starts His journey to Jerusalem, knowing He will be crucified

Luke 19:28-44

Triumphant entry into Jerusalem

Luke 19:45-48

Cast out people from the Temple who were using it as a place for trade and commerce.

Luke 20: 1-47; 21:1-38

Answers the Jewish leaders who question the Lord’s authority

Luke 22:1-6

Chief priest and scribes determine how they might kill Jesus.

Luke 22:7-38

Preparations for the Passover feast are completed and the Lord’s Supper is observed.

Luke 22:39-49

Prays at the Mount of Olives

Luke 24:50-53

Carried up to heaven (ascension).

The Miracles of Jesus

Mark 1:21-28

Cast out an unclean spirit from a man attending a synagogue in Capernaum.

Mark 1:29-31

Heals Peter’s and Andrew’s  mother-in-law from a fever after the synagogue meeting and she immediately starts a meal to serve them.

Mark 1:32-34

That same day, in the evening, Jesus cast out many devils and healed many that were diseased.

Mark 1:35-39

Cast out devils as His mission journey through Galilee.

Mark 1:40-45

Heals a leper who moved Jesus with compassion.

Mark 2:1-12

Heals a man with palsy whom four men, because of the crowd, tore open the roof to let him down to Jesus. When Jesus heals him, Jesus said his sins were forgiven. The scribs start to accuse Jesus of blasphemies.

Mark 3:1-6

Heals a man with a withered hand while attending the same synagogue in Capernaum. Again some Jews found fault because Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath day.

Mark 4:35-41

Stills a strong wind that was about to cause a ship wreck as they were traveling to the Gadarenes (5:1).

Mark 5:1-20

Heals a man with an unclean spirit named Legion.

Mark 5:21-34

While going to Jairus’ house, Jesus heals a lady that had been sick for twelve years.

Mark 6:30-44

Feeds about 5,000 men with five loaves of bread and two fish.

Mark 6:45-52

Walked on water during a storm when His disciples were in a ship going back to Bethsaida.

Mark 6:53-56

Healed everyone in Gennesaret who touched Him or his clothes.

Mark 7:24-30

Expelled the devil from a young Greek woman.

Mark 7:31-37

Healed a deaf man while leaving Tyre and Sidon on the way to Decapolis.

Mark 8:1-9

Fed about 4,000 people with seven loaves of bread and a few fish.

Mark 8:22-26

Healed a blind man when He came to Bethsaida.

Mark 9:2-10


Mark 9:14-29

Expelled a dumb and deaf spirit from a scribe’s son.

Mark 12:13-17

Told disciples where to find the money to pay for taxes. See Matthew 17:24-27 for correlation.

Mark 10:46-52

Restored Bartimaeus’ sight.

Mark 11:12-26

Dried up a fig tree.

Mark 14:43-50

Healed a servant’s ear when one of the disciples cut it off at the Lord’s arrest. See Luke 22:47-51.

Mark 16:9-11

Cast out 7 devils from Mary Magdalene. Jesus did that before His crucifixion, but when He is resurrected, He appears first to Mary.


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Grand Prairie, TX



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